Social Media Marketing

Why did Myspace Fall Back Down to Earth?


If you were active on the internet during the early 2000s, you probably remember Myspace - the social networking site that was once one of the most popular websites in the world. At  its peak, Myspace had over 75 million users, however, over the years, Myspace lost its popularity & relevance, and is now a mere shadow of its former self. What is Myspace? Myspace was founded in 2003 by Tom Anderson & Chris DeWolfe, and quickly became one of the most popular social networking sites in the world. Myspace allowed users to create profiles, connect with [...]

Why did Myspace Fall Back Down to Earth?2023-11-23T12:13:39+11:00

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Social Media Influencer


Hiring a social media influencer can be a powerful marketing strategy for businesses looking to reach a larger audience and increase brand awareness. Both micro and macro Influencers have a dedicated following of people who trust their opinions,and are more likely to be receptive to the products or services they promote. However, there are some potential drawbacks to consider when hiring an influencer. Let’s have a look at some pros and cons. Pros: Influencers often have a large reach and following on social media, which can be a great way for businesses to tap into a larger [...]

The Pros and Cons of Hiring a Social Media Influencer2023-11-23T12:14:41+11:00

How does social media affect our lives on a daily basis?


Social media has become a constant presence in our daily lives, with billions of people around the world using platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Tik Tok and others. Social media has revolutionised how we communicate, share information, and connect with family, friends, and business colleagues. However, with this constant connectivity come questions about its impact on our lives and well-being. On one hand, social media offers numerous positive benefits. It is easier than ever to stay connected with friends and family, regardless of location. This has made it easier to maintain relationships that in the past would [...]

How does social media affect our lives on a daily basis?2023-11-23T12:15:37+11:00

How to market to China using Social Media


Social media is an integral part of our lives, enabling us to connect with friends, share information, and express thoughts and ideas. However, the use of social media is regulated in some countries, and marketing to citizens of these countries can be difficult. For instance, the Chinese government has a strict set of guidelines for what social media platforms are allowed in the country, and how they can be used. This being the case, let’s look at the most popular social media platform being used in China today, WeChat, and how this can be utilised to target [...]

How to market to China using Social Media2023-11-23T12:15:56+11:00

Marketing to Teens on Social Media


Social media is a significant part of the lives of teenagers, with many using it for communication, entertainment, and self-expression. In this article we’ll look at what social media platforms teens are using, and why? Important issues on marketing to teens in Australia Before we do that, it is important to know more about the ‘teens’ market in Australia, and what their concerns are. This can help marketers significantly by marrying products and services to belief systems and values, and to also better understand psychographic information so that the narrative can be altered, where [...]

Marketing to Teens on Social Media2023-11-23T12:16:17+11:00

The Rise of the Social Media Manager


Anyone that has been in business for a while has seen the rise of social media, and the importance of a social media manager firsthand. In the past decade, social media has become an integral part of many people's daily lives, and has created a demand for professionals who are skilled in managing and optimising social media accounts. With the proliferation of social media platforms, businesses can reach a wider audience and connect with customers in real-time. The role of a social media manager The role of a social media manager has evolved significantly [...]

The Rise of the Social Media Manager2023-11-23T12:22:08+11:00

Are Social Media Ads Still Effective?


Are Social Media Ads Still Effective for My Business? There is no doubt that since the inception of social media, the use of social media platforms as a media channel has increased in alignment with the industries popularity. However, with an increase in popularity generally comes an increase in competition. How then does this impact the art of cutting through with your business message? Let’s look at some of the main benefits of social media advertising Targeting: Social media platforms offer a wide range of targeting options, allowing businesses to reach specific demographics and interests. [...]

Are Social Media Ads Still Effective?2023-11-23T12:22:26+11:00

Are social media posts copyrighted?


Are social media posts copyrighted? The question of whether or not social media posts are copyrighted is still a grey area. On the one hand, the posts themselves are the creative work of the person who created them, and one could argue that they must be protected under copyright law. On the other hand, social media platforms are public forums, and the posts therefore fall into the public domain. How does copyright work in social media? Copyright law is a complex and ever-evolving area, and social media has only added to the complexity. When [...]

Are social media posts copyrighted?2023-11-23T12:23:29+11:00

What Social Media Platforms have been Dominating in 2022?


What Social Media Platforms have been Dominating in 2022? There are specific social media platforms that are dominating in 2022. Of course many of the fundamental applications are still in use, such as sharing images, writing articles, and promoting both business brands and personal brands, however with new entrants like Tik Tok, the way that we both consume and create video has reached unprecedented heights never seen before. With video, what use to be a laborious editing process on a high end desktop, can be replicated in the palm of our hands, and you might say that [...]

What Social Media Platforms have been Dominating in 2022?2023-11-23T12:23:54+11:00


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